The League of Women Voters of Winchester prides itself on being an integral part of the Winchester Community. We strive to make valuable contributions to the town and its residents. There are several personal reasons to join an organization. We hope that you will consider joining the LWV Winchester. Please read more below to: learn about the benefits of membership, to read basic membership information and to read over our policies. To join or renew click here.

How the LWVW Contributes to the Community

  • Leads voter registration drives in Winchester and nearby communities
  • Organizes candidate forums at local and state levels
  • Arranges events for voters to hear opposing views on current issues
  • Hosts consensus studies to shape national League positions
  • Partners with other groups in town
  • Presents an annual Civic Leadership Award
  • Provides an annual luncheon to thank town employees.

As a member, you will...

  • gain experience in consensus-building and leadership
  • Become educated on local, state, and national issues
  • Meet and work with civic leaders and local officials
  • Interact with members of your community
  • Pursue interests of concern to you
  • Meet other involved residents in asocial setting
  • Advocate for current pressing topics
  • Develop practical and professional skills.


Any citizen, man or woman, of the United States at least 16 years of age who subscribes to the purpose and policies of the League of Women Voters is eligible for membership. When a person joins a local League, she or he also becomes a member of the LWV of Massachusetts and the LWV of the United States.  League members work on local, state, and national governmental issues through their local League. To join or renew click here.

The League of Women Voters of the U.S. (LWVUS) transitioned to a new centralized membership portal in February 2025. Below is an overview of what these changes will entail for you:

Logging in:

No password will be needed to log in. Once you click the link to Join/Renew, you will be asked for an email. A code will then be sent via email to verify the email and to allow you to access your account. Once you have access to the portal, you will be able to update your personal information, particularly your contact details.

 Membership Dues:

Dues will no longer have a fixed rate but will instead be pay-what-you-can. A suggested amount of $75 will be recommended, but members may give any amount above $20 (the minimum). This policy will apply equally to all members across the nation.

Rolling membership:

There will now be a rolling membership period. Membership fees are due at the end of twelve months. For example, if you pay for a membership that starts on March 1, 2025, it will expire on February 28, 2026. If another member starts their membership on May 10, 2025, it will expire on May 9, 2026. The new portal also offers the option for annual auto-renewal. When it’s time to renew, you will receive a reminder email from LWVUS.


We are grateful for the donations you have made to support our local activities in the past, and we hope you will continue to support us. If you would like to donate to the Winchester League, you can do that as well through this new system. It will be a separate screen from the membership dues screen. On the donation screen, it will ask you to indicate the amount of the donation and the name of our League (the League of Women Voters Winchester). If you prefer, you can also make a donation to the Winchester League via the Donate button on our website and/or send a check payable to WLWV and mail it to PO Box 1033, Winchester, MA 01890. Please note that paying a higher member dues rate in excess of $75 does not equal a donation and will be split three ways.



In both principles and practices, the League of Women Voters of Winchester will promote inclusion. There should be no barrier based on race, ethnicity, creed, gender, sexual orientation, physical challenges, age, or class in leadership, membership, or participation in any League sponsored activity. The Winchester League acknowledges that pluralism and diverse perspectives are necessary for responsible and representative decision-making. The League welcomes diversity of all kinds, and pledges to promote an appreciation of the differences among us, visible and invisible.


Through its Voters Service, the League provides non-partisan information on the structure and function of government and on voting procedures, election issues, and candidates.


The League may take action on governmental measures and policies in the public interest. The League gives sustained attention to issues chosen by its members and takes concerted action on these issues. It does not support or oppose any political party or candidate. Members are encouraged to work as individuals in political parties, although those doing so may not be either President or Chair of Voters Services of a local League.

© 2020 League of Women Voters of Winchester

P.O. Box 1033
Winchester, Massachusetts 01890

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software